Giving back is in everything we do for our communities in Northern Colorado.
donated in time and financial sponsorships into the community.
We are excited to announce the 3rd Annual Johnstown & Milliken Community Garage Sale hosted by your local home experts: Tallent Co. Real Estate, Kick AZ Home Inspection, Jones Mortage Company- Kayla Jones, and American Family Insurance- Cristy Walston.
How this works:
-On Saturday, June 8th & Sunday, June 9th, residents of these two great towns are invited to host a garage sale!
-To sign up, there will soon be a registration link for you to add your address to. Click GOING on this event to get event news!
-Residents are welcome to host their sales as long or as short as they would like. The sponsors advertise the event is from 7 am to 4 pm but you can do what you’d like.
-HOA’s- we’ve reached out to many of you to partner with you on this even, but if we haven’t yet, please feel free to reach out to us at
Last year was our best year yet and we heard great feedback that people made more than they expected and had excellent traffic so we are so excited to bring this back!
Our Involvement
Previous Town Councilwoman
Johnstown BBQ Day
Committee Co-Chair
Supporter of many local organizations!
Giveback to multiple schools in the area.
Pioneer Ridge Elementary, Cornerstone Kids Preschool, and Windsor Charter Academy
Planning Commision Member for Town of Milliken
Co-Chair for the
Children’s Museum of Northern Colorado
It’s our passion to help the people of our community. Sometimes we do this with large fundraisers and sometimes it’s on a smaller scale to help one family at a time. Our agents are consistently helping and supporting the people of our community.
We run a social media movement focused on featuring local businesses to help them connect with residents and visitors of the town.
The organizations in towns and cities make a tremendous impact to our communities and we are proud to partner with them whenever we can. Sometimes this means we are volunteering our time and sometimes it means we are contributing financially.
As Amy & her husband have a background in working in the fire service, our team focuses on giving back to this community. This includes paying for meals for trainings, baskets, and dinners for the families with deployed moms or dads.